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Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Liked Colin 4 and 5, missed Dirt, liked Grid.

Dirt 2 looks to be better than all of these. C'mon PC version!
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :You should also check out The Fatal Shore.

Thanks DWB. Be interesting to place The Fatal Shore and Eleanor Dark's book side by side for comparison. It seems that her novel's been kind of lost (she wrote The Timeless Land in the 40's, actually the first book in a trilogy) but it was once a very well known work and very highly regarded.

Robert Hughes is of course great reading also. I'd read Shock of the New and Nothing if not Critical a while back... standard art student fare.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed

I stole a copy of that book from a bookstore years ago when I was young and crazy and rebellious. Guess you could say I was living upto the title rather well, eh?

The things we do!
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
The Timeless Land by Eleanor Dark-

The story of Australian settlement. An amazing book so far...
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :alot did not like the transition from S1 to S2 so who knows the new tyre physics might be what draws those oldies back or it just might attract a whole different crowd

It will be really interesting to see what happens in terms of the community dynamic after the update. I wasn't around in the beginning, but I kinda sense that the older community of players were a more 'hardcore' set from the point of view that the focus was much more on the physics side of things. Maybe a big update in core physics will bring some of these guys out of the woods again but the concern will be that there isn't enough new content to really keep the oldies around for too long. There are also a lot of newer players who seem to be loudest in demanding new content, maybe because they're used to the idea that racing games should come standard with 50+ cars and millions of tracks (which I think is a fairly spoilt position to take- it doesn't address that LFS is based around a totally different model to most racing games). How much will a new physics model mean to some of these players, the ones who are already bored before they've even taken the time to appreciate LFS for what it is?

So yeah, will be curious to see how it all goes. Are physics still LFS's big drawcard? Are the hardcore that hardcore that a new physics model is all they need to feel the renewel of the sim? Will the update generate enough excitement among the newest players to carry things forward? Or will it just get nasty again?

Stay tuned!
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Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :The stupidness of syncrhonisation is unmeasured!

Yeah, there's no easier way to wreck a film.

Do you think, given the choice, the average person would choose synchronisation (overdub) over subtitles? I'm pretty sure most people would choose subtitles.

PS, just saw Inglourious Basterds tonight. Still a bit tense over the experience, I've just settled down with a glass of port to take the edge off.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Subtitles can take something away from a movie. If the point is to be immersed in the story or the drama, subtitles can make you feel like you're getting a poor translated version of the event, which can be distracting if you're aware of how bad some of the translation jobs are in movies. Same thing applies to translated books- you're always second guessing the language. Sure, that feeling can probably be suspended pretty easily, but the best thing would just be knowing all the different languages of the movies you watch.

Useless early morning post
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :im getting sick of these new driving game names...

I came up with a few more...










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Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Well, I don't imagine Eric is up to his neck in physics stuff, so can only presume he's working on his own updates. Just because Scawen hasn't said anything about tracks, doesn't mean there aren't new tracks, or track updates, in the works. And it doesn't mean that there are, either
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Simple Simon is simple.

Methinks he doth protest too much
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
It does seem to be that way

Yet I'd still make the case that lighting in games is getting better. Far Cry perhaps looks more normal because I think people make the assumption that trees = green and water = blue. With Crysis, the lighting introduces a lot more subtlety- there's a much better sense of enviromental depth due to the atmospheric perspective going on, ie- objects becoming progressively lighter and more desaturated the further away they are. In Farcry for the most part, green = green. I'd choose Crysis's more subtle lighting over Far Cry's lurid cartoon lighting anyday. For me there's no contest. ... mb_620x2000/far_cry05.jpg

Perhaps this feeds a bit into the uncanny valley thing, that the closer we get to realism the more you're able to spot the differences from it. Getting really good lighting in games is going to take time, as it is with AI. These two things people like to criticise the most in games like Crysis, as if they don't understand that replicating human behaviour inside a computer is actually pretty difficult and is not going to be solved to the degree people want anytime soon.
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Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Charles Ives - Symphony No. 3
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Yeah, I see what you mean. It's possible- but still hard to say because the lighting in cryengine is so dynamic. The games are also heavily scripted to show off certain lighting at different times, so who knows what the real story is. I actually wouldn't be surprised if this latest engine lacks some of the fidelity of the PC version- they need to do something to get reasonable frame rates on the consoles, and lighting- good lighting, is going to be fairly complex.

Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :Meh, did the world turn brown since Crysis? Looking at the latest videos,

If you meant the videos where the guy is talking about the editor, I wouldn't take those impressions so literally- it's a video of TV footage (never looks good) over different monitors. I noticed a couple of times how the colours changed depending on which monitor the camera was looking at, I guess due to each monitor being at a slightly different angle. Being sunset isn't going to help either, as there won't be much blue/white light at that time of day.

Anyway, last time I played Crysis, the lighting was very nice (for a computer game). Can't see why they'd bugger it up since then. But maybe you're right!
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Very interested in the new changes Thanks Scawen
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Explorer Series - Javanese Court Gamelan
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
  • Score: 2985 o3Marks
  • Submitted by stu @ July 26 2009, 4:26 pm
  • App Version: oZone3D.Net_FurMark_v1.7.0_Build_Jul 3 2009_at_09:19:42
  • Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS 512
  • Number of Active GPUs: 1
  • Graphics Drivers: 6-10-2009
  • GPU Temperatures (start/end):62°C / 81°C
  • Bench Duration: 60 sec.
  • Resolution: 1280 x 1024
  • MSAA samples: 0
  • Window Mode: fullscreen
  • CPU: IntelR CoreTM2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
  • CPU Speed: 3600 MHz
  • Operating System: Windows Vista ver.6.0 build 6002 Service Pack 2
PS- how does someone get over 50000 with a Geforce 8800 GT???
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
I've had good cards from both ATI and nVidia. I've put off getting a new card for now but I'd almost decided on a Geforce GTX 275, mainly because the card was quieter than the ATI equivalent.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
I've just swapped to Antivir after years of using AVG. Antivir is very lean, seems to do a good job and you can easily turn off the main functionality if you want to go play a game or something, then switch it back on when you're ready to go back online.

As mentioned, there is a nag screen, but it's more of a surprise for me to see it rather than an annoyance or inconvenience- it's just one more mouse click to get rid of it.

Very happy with it so far.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :Jefferson Airplane - Wooden Ships (CSNY cover)

Reminds me,

13th Floor Elevators - Dust

and a segue..

Sun Ra - Nuclear War
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Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Swans - Blind

- In My Garden

- Thank You

Swans... beautiful, frail, haunting, brutal, brooding and damaged. A fine New York band.
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Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Hi Devil007

Sorry to hear you're going through such a hard time. My advice (if you would like it) is to try and get some perspective on what's happening. Things can be bad but they are very rarely that bad that you need to harm yourself. Try to think about your feelings in the future maybe, when the current situation has calmed down/passed. You need to take yourself out of the current moment emotionally and get onto a different track. If it's a depression a very cold shower can snap you out of it.. also going for a very long run somewhere, running can also help with anger issues, you just run whatever it is out of the system.

I'm not sure what's happening back there but there's always someone to talk to, even online. I like to think that we're good friends, so drop me a PM anytime if you want to discuss anything further.

Take it easy man,
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
This is like 4D Stunts Driving with BEARS!!!

edit: any game which models the possibility that you can't accelerate because there's a pinecone stuck under the accelerator deserves immediate respect
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Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
If you come to the cities, you'll be fine, you'll blend right in- there's a big Asian culture in Melbourne so you'll be able to find a lot of the stuff that you love from back home.

If you're really planning to move outback, it's going to be tough no matter where you're from, because the environment is so extreme. Be prepared for boiling hot days and freezing cold nights.

Australia is really no more or less racist than anywhere else that's vaguely comparable. We have our fair share of idiots- going by your posts I guess it doesn't apply to you but if your english is sketchy then perhaps your biggest problem will be with people who have a very short tolerance for broken or hard to understand english.

Anyway, good luck out there!
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote from mookie427 :it's serious reporting but with intentionally skewed questions

You mean a preconcieved story which passes for serious reporting.